Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Benefits of a Herbal Colon Cleansing Supplement

The body is like a highly functional machine. A machine as we well know must go through a period of complete readjustment, cleaning, realigning, refurbishing etc. so also should our body.

In our daily activities, we forget to check our bodies.

We forget to take care of our bowels and as result, we sometimes become less effective than we are supposed to be. Let me explain.
Let’s say you’ve got this very important meting that you need to be at and just about the time you sat down, you had this terrible urge to go.

What do you do? Leave the delegation and go spend thirty minutes in the loo while keeping them waiting? Imagine what harm that can do to your business.
So you see that not cleaning out your bowels can adversely affect the results you pursue.

To effectively carry out an evacuation of your bowels, it is best to take something that will not affect or interfere with your daily activities.

This is where using herbal supplements come in.
Other forms require you to use interfering methods that you would not like.
For example if you were to do a hydrotherapy, you would end up spending about ninety minutes in the clinic or at home.

Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeast. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are:

‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’.

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most common type of microbes used.
LAB have been used in the food industry for many years, because they are able to convert sugars (including lactose) and other carbohydrates into lactic acid.

This not only provides the characteristic sour taste of fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, but acts as a preservative, by lowering the pH and creating fewer opportunities for spoilage organisms to grow.

Probiotic bacterial cultures are intended to assist the body's naturally occurring gut flora to reestablish themselves.
They are sometimes recommended by doctors, and, more frequently, by nutritionists, after a course of antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for gut related candidiasis.
Claims are made that probiotics strengthen the immune system.

The rationale for probiotics is that the body contains a miniature ecology of microbes, collectively known as the gut flora.
A number of bacterial types are thought to be thrown out of balance by a wide range of circumstances including the use of antibiotics or other drugs, excess alcohol, stress, disease, or exposure to toxic substances.
In cases like these, the bacteria that work well with our bodies (see symbiosis) may decrease in number, an event which allows harmful competitors to thrive, to the detriment of our health.

Maintenance of a healthy gut flora is, however, dependent on many factors, especially the quality of food intake.
Including a significant proportion of prebiotic foods in the diet has been demonstrated to support a healthy gut flora and may be another means of achieving the desirable health benefits promised by probiotics.

Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies suggest a range of potentially beneficial medicinal uses for probiotics.
For many of the potential benefits, research is limited and only preliminary results are available.

It should be noted that the effects described are not general effects of probiotics.
All effects can only be attributed to the strain(s) tested, not to the species, nor to the whole group of LAB (or other probiotics).

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Curing Hair Loss

Curing Hair Loss

Curing Hair Loss : Hair Like Samson (before he met Delilah)A multi-millionaire will be made one day – the day a scientific researcher finds a simple, inexpensive, universally successful hair regrowth product. And that day will come. The amount of money being funneled into hair loss research is phenomenal, and as long as our society puts such great stock in appearance and beautiful heads of hair, the research will continue until that simple cure is found. Until then, men and women must investigate and experiment with a variety of products which will have a variety of results, dependent upon the individual. Each human body is unique, with unique levels of hormones, chemicals, and enzymes. For this reason, to date, there is not a universal cure. Some people experience reduction in hair loss and solid regrowth, while others using the same product may not see the same results. For those who experience less than desired results from the variety of topicals, pills, herbs and hair products available, there are currently surgical “cures,” if they have the financial wherewithal to pursue them. These involve a variety of transplant techniques and can be tedious and a bit painful. Such cures are available for both men and women. Transplants: In transplants, a hair strip is taken from a donor area of the scalp, usually the back, because pattern baldness in both men and women usually does not affect the back of the head. From these stips, individual follicles are extracted and then implanted into the bald area of the scalp. The “art” of this procedure is to get the follicle in so that the slant of the hair is correct for that part of the head. There are usually 1-5 hairs in each follicle, so you can imagine how many transplants have to occur if someone wants a full thick head of hair to replace a completely bald spot. The average cost of transplant, per follicle is $4 - $6. The average cost of pattern baldness transplants is about $10,000.00 – a hefty bill for most of us. For women who have overall balding events, the cost can be greater still. If you do not have $10,000 to spend at the moment and you must wait until regrowth products improve, you may have to be content with less preferable but effective methods like using Provillus . There have been great advances in hair pieces for men, and wigs are as much a fashion accessory as jewelry for women. If you select this route, buy a good one and go to a professional who is widely experienced in developing unique hair pieces for individual needs. Generally, you get what you pay for. Fit and ability to have confidence that wind and lots of movement will not move your hair piece are extremely important. While not the permanent cure you really want, the embarrassment of societal reaction to your baldness is eliminated. Keep abreast of research in the area of hair loss cures. Scientists are close, and the answer could come any day. In the meantime, do what makes you feel comfortable and confident, and use any product that helps you reduce the rate of your current hair loss. Stress and anxiety over this condition will only make it worse.
For more information just Click Here!!

Hair Loss by Provillus

Best Products for Hair Loss

Best Products for Hair Loss: My Sink is Full of Hair – Give Me Something!!Heredity, hormones, stress, diet, illness, poor hair care – all are factors in hair loss.
Stress, diet and illness are more temporary conditions and usually the hair loss is reversed when the anxiety-producing conditions dissipate, when the diet is improved, when hair care improves and when an illness is cured or gotten under control. Heredity and hormones are different matters, however.
Heredity is an irreversible condition. You are a product of your parents, and hair loss is often inherited.
Hormones are tricky, hidden things, however, and they have different effects on an individual basis. In a male, testosterone abides abundantly.
There are also enzymes working on testosterone which product a substance called DHT.
DHT is now known to circulate in the blood and cause other conditions, one of which is the shrinking of hair follicles.
When hair follicles shrink enough, they are unable to produce and push a new hair through. As old hair dies, it is then not replaced.
In women, hormonal imbalances can also cause hair loss. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause all cause significant hormonal change and imbalances with both physical and mental effects.
These changes can also cause hair loss, both temporary and permanent.Hair loss and re-growth products have been around for centuries.
In ancient times, a variety of herbal and oil-based remedies were concocted and used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, and American Indians, all with some degree of effectiveness for some people.
Modern medical research has focused on ways to re-open and stimulate “dead” hair follicles, so that hair growth can re-occur naturally, as well as keep the healthy follicles healthy.
Thus, a number of products have become available, both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are advertised on radio and television and all over the Internet.
One need only do a “google” search on hair loss, and there are literally thousands of sites and products for investigation.
One ingredient in many hair loss products is minoxidil. Research studies have shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing this ingredient are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some, causing regrowth to occur.
Probably the most well known is Rogaine, available at any drug store, in varieties for both men and women. Most scientifically-produced products do have separate products for males and females, because, of course, hormones in each are different and of different levels.
An additional product containing minoxidil is Provillus, and, again, studies have shown it to be effective.
The difference between Provillus and other similar products is that the makes have added Azelaic Acid, an additional ingredient which appears to enhance the follicle repair in both men and women. Provillus has been the subject of many studies, just as the other products, and level of effectiveness may be higher.
Provillus is available for both men and women, and the treatment is a combination of a topical liquid applied to the balding areas, as well as a pill or capsule to be taken in conjunction with the liquid.
The critical key to effectiveness, according to its makers, is the addition of the azelaic acid, however, the correct amount of this acid is most important piece of this treatment. As with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience.
It may take from 3-6 months for improvement to occur, however, there is a money-back guarantee up to 180 days if one is not satisfied that it is working for him/her.
Medical research is far from finished in its exploration of products which will stop hair loss and promote regrowth of “permanent” loss.
As this research continues, existing producers will undoubtedly alter their products accordingly.
Fortunately, a lot of money is being poured into the research, so hair loss sufferers, take heart!
For more information Click Here!